Web Hackathon

Web Hackathon

Web Hackathon contest aims to bring out the students to empower creativity and excellence in the field of web development. It provides great opportunity to participate and develop their skill in web development projects. This competition helps participants to design their careers in web application platforms.
Registration Open: 05/06/2020
Competition date: 15/09/2020
Venue: SMVEC Campus
Team Size: 3 member per team
Eligibility: V semester students are eligible
1. Which web technology is accepted?
You can use PHP or ASP.Net
2. Can I use database?
You can use SQL Server and MySQL.
3. Any other technologies are recommended?
Yes. You can include HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, jQuery and Bootstrap.
4. Can I use online tool?
You can use online tools only for creating logos and icons.
5. What is my team size?
Maximum three members per team.
6. Who is eligible to participate the competition?
All V semester students are eligible.
7. Do I need to bring my project?
No. We will provide the specification at the competition venue. You have to develop a web page within 6 hours.
8. Do I need to bring my Laptop?
9. What is the competition date?
10. How do I register my name?
Last date of registration is Please click the below Registration button and submit your details.
Pay Rs. 200 to the event co-ordinator Dr.G.Shanmugasundaram, Associate Professor, IT Dept,