SC/ST Cell

The Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) Cell in an institute promotes the special interests of students in the reserved category. It is expected to provide special inputs in areas where the students experience difficulties.

The Cell will conduct regular remedial coaching classes on life skills, personality development, writing assignments and making presentations, as well as Hindi and local language classes. The Cell also organizes interactive sessions and informal meetings with students to attend to their personal, social and academic problems.


  • To counsel and guide SC/ ST students and help them to manage academic and personal issues of college life effectively.
  • To ensure provisions of an environment where all such students feel safe and secure.
  • To provide prompt counselling for any emotional emergencies arising on account of any event at the campus.
  • To provide the mechanism to redress the grievance of SC/ST students, if any.
  • To ensure protection and reservation as provided in the constitution of India.
  • To arrange for special opportunities to enhance the carrier growth.
  • To aware of the SC/ST students regarding various scholarships program of State Govt. and UGC.
  • To take such follow-up measures to achieve the objectives and targets laid down by the Govt. of India and the UGC.

Useful Links:

Link to Apply for scholarships for AD Welfare Scheme:

National Commission for scheduled Castes :

National SC/ST Hub: