Courses Offered

Undergraduate Courses 4 Years

B.Tech – Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE)

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering offers under graduate course in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Post Graduate course in M.Tech -Power Electronics and Drives with industry required syllabus. It offers Professional and need based continuing education to conduct training Programmes in frontier areas of Electrical Engineering on par with consultancy and technical services to the industry.

The Department stands as a unique centre for promotion of excellence in Electrical Engineering and has been successful in fulfilling its role in this end of rocketing technologies. The faculty members have the tireless effort in contributing research papers to International journals like IEEE, Elseveir and Springer etc.

Electrical and Electronics Engineering is multi-disciplinary by nature, representing a veritable synergy of different technologies. To meet the challenges of the new millennium, we train our students in the areas of artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, finite element analysis, computer aided design of electrical machines, micro-controllers and digital signal processing, generation, transmission and distribution of power, Power system operation and control, Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and their control using computer methods etc.

Various clubs are functioning in the department, such as Renewable energy club, Power Electronics club, Embedded club, Artificial intelligence club and Electrical machines club to indulge the students in improving their personnel and technical skills. Many frequent consultancy works are carried out to the industries to bridge the technical gaps between industry and academy. Along with these, extension activities are carried out in the nearby areas by conducting the awareness programmes to help the society.

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) was established in the year 1999 with the idea of equipping young people with the necessary technical knowledge and professional skills needed to address the challenges in the rapidly growing field of Electronics and Communication Engineering and promoting research in this area. Electronics & Communication Engineering Department is a dynamic and vibrant department with highly qualified, experienced and dedicated faculty members. The intake is gradually increased 40 to 60, then by 120 from the academic year 2010-2011. Now the sanctioned intake is 240 from the academic year 2013-2014. Right from its inception, the department has been moving forward in achieving academic excellence with a strong commitment and dedicated approach. The department offers one UG program and two PG programs.

The Department has been accredited by the National Board of Accreditation, AICTE – New Delhi for UG program. The Department is equipped with the state of the art Modeling, Computational, Experimental facilities for carrying out Industry sponsored and consultancy Research and Development (R&D) projects in various fields. Global Excellence in Teaching, Research and Technology development is the main concern of the Department. It has renowned as well as young and dynamic personalities as faculty and involved in providing Quality Education for both Undergraduate (UG) and Postgraduate (PG) levels.

The excellent placement record which has been consistently 80% for the several years is an ample testimony to the emphasis of the curriculum to incorporate the fast changing technological trends in the field of ECE. The department regularly conducts Conferences, Workshops and Seminar on latest advancements in technology. The ECE students are always industry ready with all the above benefits.

Our Department was established, in the year 1999, with an intake of 60 students. In the year of 2008, the intake was gradually increased to 90, and in 2009, it was 120. From the year of 2011 onwards, the intake is 180. As a result of our perseverance efforts, now the current intake of the Department is 420. We are also happy to inform that for the past 9 years, our Department students have secured Gold Medals, continuously. Apart from securing Gold Medals, the students have also secured university ranks. Our Faculty members are certified and well trained by different organizations. Our staff and students published their papers in various reputed journals like IEEE, ACM, and SPRINGER etc. We provide a rigorous and Interdisciplinary training for the enrichment of the student’s knowledge.

The department of information technology was incepted in the year of 1999 with a vision of grooming globally competent IT professionals who are socially responsible. Our faculty members aim at delivering top class education blending their rich experience with classroom teaching. Our prominence quality is providing practical training to our students which lay great stress on “hands on” experience besides a sound theoretical background. The students are also facilitated with training in thrust areas thus endorsing continuing education facilities which makes our campus as IT giants talent hunting spree.

Instrumentation and control engineering is a specialized stream of engineering that deals with the measurement and control of process variables in industries.

Instrumentation and control engineering department which has relevance and importance in all walks of human life came into existence in this institution from the academic year 2002-2003.

The Discipline of engineering that deals with the principles of physics and material science is termed as Mechanical Engineering. Mechanical engineering involves the production and usage of heat and mechanical power for designing machines and tools. It is one of the broadest and the oldest engineering disciplines and is often referred to as the mother of engineering studies.

Our aim is to provide the students a perfect blend of academic as well as practical experiences which helps them to serve the society and fulfills the needs industrial sector. At the end of our program, students are prepared for entry-level work as a mechanical engineer as well as for the postgraduate study in mechanical engineering or in other discipline, where a fundamental engineering background constitutes a desirable foundation.

The Academic activities are well supported by state-of-the-art laboratories. Academic course work and projects are designed to endow students with the ability to apply knowledge of Science, Mathematics and Engineering the capability to work effectively in multidisciplinary teams, providing leadership and technical expertise.

With a solid grounding in the principles and practice of mechanical engineering undergraduates are ready to engage in ethical approaches to engineering, with concern for society and the environment. Program at the postgraduate level aligns academic course work with research, to prepare scholars in specialized areas within the field of mechanical engineering research topics focus on industrial needs.

Civil engineering is the art of directing the great sources of power in nature for the use and convenience of mankind.

Such a department which has relevance and importance in all walks of human life came into existence in this institution from the academic year 2012-13.