Perunthalaivar Kamarajar Financial Assistance Scheme (PKFAS SCHEME)
Announcement: The Eligible Second, third and Final Year CENTAC students are asked to submit the Renewal Application form for the Perunthalaivar Kamarajar Financial Assistance scheme on or before 31st March 2022*(New) (scroll)
The Eligible First Year/Lateral entry second year CENTAC students for this academic year are asked to submit the Fresh Application form for the Perunthalaivar Kamarajar Financial Assistance scheme on or before 30th April 2022*(New) (scroll)
Notifications-Rules and Regulations / Guidelines for the Award of Perunthalaivar Kamarajar Financial Assistance:
Fresh Application for PKFA:
Renewal Application for PKFA:
Adi Dravidar Welfare Scholarship
The Puducherry Adi Dravidar Development Corporation Limited (PADCO) is providing the Education Loan to Scheduled Castes student’s to pursue higher education in professional and technical courses. The assistance shall be provided through the educational Institute/Directly to the student.
To apply: Visit
Institutional Scholarships / Fees Concessions / Freeships
The management of our Institution is awarding scholarships /fees concession to the students (Meritorious / economically weaker sections) admitted in our institution through Sri Manakula Vinayaga Educational Trust to encourage and support students of exemplary talent. In addition to the scholarships /fees concession, Freeships for Books/ Transport are also provided for the needy students based on their request. The scholarships are basically to support student’s education and encouraging them to perform better throughout the course. Thereby, they can get placements in renowned organizations. The amount of scholarships and the number of scholarships granted are based on the request of the students/parents, their economic status, recommendations by our faculty and Management representatives.
Sri Kesavan Vidhya Pariksha Yojana (SKVPY)
“Sri Kesavan Vidhya Pariksha Yojana” scheme aims at providing Examination fee for the academically meritorious, attitudinally sound and financially underprivileged students of our college. This scheme was the brain child of Department of CSE and the same was launched on a pilot basis on the eve of our founder’s first Remembrance Day (6th September 2012) in CSE department as the first step for marching towards our Visionary’s dream on “Empowerment through Education”. This scheme is extended for rest of the departments with the same procedure on our founder’s second remembrance day (6th September 2013). Every year, on our Founders remembrance day, the meritorious students of all the departments are receiving this scholarship.
Beneficiaries are identified by the team based on the following terms and conditions:
- They have to secure at least 75% of marks in all the subjects in internal tests and model exams.
- They should not have any arrears in the previous semesters.
- Their family income should not exceed Rs.1.5 Lakhs per annum.
- Their attendance percentage should not be less than 90%.
- They should not indulge in any in-disciplinary activities.
Academic Toppers Scholarship
- The management of our Institution is motivating the Meritorious students (Class toppers based on the University Exam results) by awarding cash amount .
Competition Achievers Scholarship
An exclusive competition team is functioning at our institute to guide and motivate the students to participate in the various competitions announced by the MNC’s & Industries. MVIT supports financially to the students participating in various national level competitions to bare the expenses during their participation in the events. It also extends its support and honor by providing the cash award equivalent to the students winning prize amount, which motivates the students to achieve more.
Sports Scholarship
Sports scholarships aims to provide support to young players of the Institute by recognizing their achievements at the national and state levels.
To motivate the sports aspirants to achieve higher levels of performance , entry fees to participate in various individual and team events/games including, Athletics, Badminton, Table Tennis, Chess, Gymnastics, Swimming, Weightlifting, Volleyball, Basketball, Traditional Games (kho-kho, Kabaddi), Martial Arts (Judo & Karate), Wrestling, Hockey, Cricket etc., will be sponsored by the Institution.

Student professional body membership support
MVIT supports the students to get membership in various professional bodies/ Societies / Chapters by sponsoring membership registration fee. This will help the students to participate in the various technical events and explore technological innovations, cutting-edge technologies and career opportunities.
For Scholarship related queries, contact concern Class Advisor / HOD.